NEW EMPLOYEE FORM Any falsified information will lead to the termination of your appointment New Employee formPERSONAL INFORMATIONKindly provide the needed informationFirst NameLast NamePosition- Select -InstructorSocial Media ManagerManagerMarketerAccountantOffice ClerkQuality ControlPhone NumberGender Male FemaleEmailDate of BirthSSNIT NumberGhana Card NumberTin NumberMEDICAL INFORMATIONKindly provide information on your health status as it can be of help if any issue arises.Do you have any health condition? Yes NoKindly state your conditionALTERNATIVE CONTACTKindly provide information of persons we can contact in any case of emergency.Name of Alternative ContactRelations to the person Parent Spouse Sibling Guardian ChildAlternative Phone NumberPAYMENT INFORMATIONKindly fill the form with accurate informationCal Bank Account NumberName on AccountBranchFILE UPLOADUpload a picture of your ID card, your acceptance letter and Medical Reports (if any) You can upload multiple filesOnly Ghana Card, Passport, Driving License, Voter's ID will be acceptedUpload File CertificatesUpload File Upload CVUpload File Upload Acceptance letterChoose File I attest that all the information provided is accurate and not falsified I understand that my eployment will be terminated if I provide falseful information. I agree that any photographs of me taken can be used publicly by Deseret School of Design.Submit Form